Lott appointed to KSBB Board

Keep Statesboro-Bulloch County Beautiful recently welcomed another new advisory board member!

KSBB has a volunteer advisory board that is appointed by City Council every two years. There are currently six advisory board members for KSBB.

Eddie Lott, who has been a Bulloch County resident for 30 years, was recently appointed to serve. Georgia Southern brought Eddie to Statesboro in 1991 where he earned a B.S. in Psychology in 1995 and later an M.S. in Coaching. Eddie owned and operated a martial arts school for over two decades in Statesboro, selling it in 2016. He currently owns a small syrup manufacturing company.⁠

Eddie and his family have been recycling for years. They are always looking for ways to reduce and reuse.

As a board member, Eddie looks forward to learning about and sharing ideas on how to promote recycling and to create a more sustainable environment.

Keep Statesboro-Bulloch Beautiful (KSBB) is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation. Their goal is to educate and empower citizens and businesses with the resources needed to facilitate litter prevention, beautification, and community greening within the city of Statesboro and surrounding areas.

KSBB is under the direct affiliation of the City of Statesboro. KSBB works closely with city departments, such as the city Public Works, to help facilitate public programs and events. KSBB also partners with third-party companies to bring in specialized events, such as their annual electronics recycling drive.

KSBB is continually growing its partnerships with businesses and organizations from the local community. Some of these partnerships include the Downtown Statesboro Development Authority, Galactic Comics and Games, and Ogeechee Riverkeeper. A full list of partnerships can be found here.

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