McCollar Signs Proclamation Recognizing May as Stroke Awareness Month

Stroke is the number one cause of serious, long-term disability, and the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. To help raise awareness of the warning signs and risk factors of stroke, Statesboro Mayor Jonathan McCollar signed a proclamation alongside Bryan Realiza, EGRMC’s Centers of Excellence Accreditation Manager, on Friday afternoon to recognize May as Stroke Awareness Month.

East Georgia Regional Medical Center is a Primary Stroke Center that has protocols in place and is equipped to deliver acute stroke care. It is extremely important to seek immediate medical attention for signs/symptoms of a stroke. A delay in seeking treatment when one experiences stroke symptoms can lead to permanent disability or even death.

A stroke is an injury to the brain related to problems with blood flow. Depending on the function of the part of the brain that is under attack, the person suffering the stroke may suddenly become blind, paralyzed, or unable to speak. It’s also important to understand that although stroke risk increases with age, a stroke can happen at any age.

Remember to B.E.F.A.S.T. and help identify signs of a stroke:

B – Balance – Does the person have a sudden loss of balance?
E – Eyes – Has the person lost vision in one or both eyes?
F – Face – Does the person’s face look uneven?
A – Arms – Is one arm weak or numb?
S – Speech – Is the person’s speech slurred? Does the person have trouble speaking or seem confused?
T – Time – It’s time to call 9-1-1 now!

The longer the brain cells go without fresh blood and oxygen makes the damage more likely to be permanent. When treatment begins within the first few hours after a stroke occurs, the chances for survival and recovery improve significantly.

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