U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Santos to deliver keynote address at Georgia Southern’s 2024 Stone Distinguished Lecture Series

WHO: Georgia Southern University’s Statistical Consulting Unit and the College of Science and Mathematics will host Robert L. Santos, D.Sc., director of the U.S. Census Bureau, as the featured speaker for the 2024 Stone Distinguished Lecture Series on the Statesboro Campus. Santos will also join community leaders to participate in a community session on economic development to discuss how Census Bureau data are used in southeastern Georgia to aid local economic and community development on the Armstrong Campus the following day.

WHAT: During the keynote speech, Santos will share insights into his personal journey and how the Census Bureau is actively seeking diverse perspectives for the best statistics. He will also provide an overview of his vision for the Census Bureau and how they are transforming and modernizing to better serve the needs of diverse constituencies. 

During the community session, and other meetings and discussions he will hold with faculty and students on both campuses, Santos’ aim is to advance public awareness and participation that relate to scientific integrity, continuous community engagement and innovation efforts at the Bureau. The focus of this trip is to advance trust and transparency about the methodology, uses and limitations of recent data releases; improve data access and equity among community members, stakeholders and partners; and explore collaborations with University staff and students at academic institutions serving those communities.  


Thursday, Sept. 5, 10 – 11 a.m. — Keynote speech — Statesboro Campus, Russell Union Ballroom 

Friday, Sept. 6, 9 – 10:30 a.m. — Community session: Economic Development — Armstrong Campus — University Hall, room 121

Robert L. Santos is the 26th director of the U.S. Census Bureau.

His career spans over 40 years in survey research, statistical design and analysis and executive-level management. He previously served as vice president and chief methodologist at the Urban Institute, where he directed its Statistical Methods Group.

Santos has held leadership positions at top survey research organizations, including the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center; the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research; and Temple University’s Institute for Survey Research. His research expertise includes quantitative and qualitative research design, program evaluation, needs assessments, survey methodology and survey operations. He also has research experience with demographic and administrative data, decennial censuses, social policy research as well as equity issues. 

Santos received the American Statistical Association’s Founder’s Award (2006); the American Association for Public Opinion Research Award for Exceptionally Distinguished Achievement (2021); Mexico’s Ohtli Award (2022) recognizing contributions to the Mexican community; and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund’s Excellence in Community Service Award (2023).

He has a bachelor’s in mathematics from Trinity University in San Antonio and a master’s in statistics from the University of Michigan. In 2023, he was bestowed honorary degrees by North Carolina State University and San Antonio College.

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