Call to Order, Welcome Media and Visitors
Invocation & Pledge
Roll Call
- 2024 USA Archery JOAD Target Nationals and JOAD U.S. Open Competitors
- Presentation of Revised Groundwater Sustainability Program (Well Mitigation Plan)
- Changes made based on public input – 2 substantive changes
- Question at the previous meeting about why private small community wells were not included in the well mitigation program. Rojas looked back at the EPD permit and it addresses “any existing wells” on the Floridan Aquifer which means community water systems ARE included, so this language was updated to include the language as well.
- Rojas said they endeavor to do the mitigation work as fast as possible and this didn’t include a time frame. The change addresses the claim process for drinking and non-drinking water. Specifically, once the mitigation work order is received, the mitigation plan language includes that the basic work will be done in 5 calendar days. Additionally clarifies that if there is a new well, that will take more time than 5 calendar days.
- Cassandra Mikell asked why it was stated at the previous county commission meeting that there would be a public hearing but then this item was not on the agenda for Tuesday. She implored commissioners to slow down and hold the hearing to hear from the citizens before taking any further action. She referenced comments by commissioners at the last meeting to hold a public hearing before a vote.
- Lindsay Martin asked how the salt water from Savannah would be treated and Rojas said that that was misinformation and there would be no salt water from Savannah.
- Commissioner-elect Nick Newkirk asked if the state would be setting the prices for the well inspections, to which Rojas said the prices would be determined after an RFP process.
- County Attorney Jeff Akins asked if Commissioners wished to place it on the December 17, 2024 commission agenda.
- County Commissioner Ray Davis said he endorsed the idea of a public hearing and he did not think the issue should be voted on with the current commissioners since the new commissioners are coming on board in January.
- Commissioners Jappy Stringer, Timmy Rushing, Ray Mosley, and Anthony Simmons voted to place the item on the agenda for a final vote on 12/17.
- Commissioners Ray Davis and Toby Conner voted against with all other commissioners voting in favor.
- Read the full plan here.
- Changes made based on public input – 2 substantive changes
Public Hearing- Road Abandonment/Closure
Public Hearing and Resolution to Abandon a Portion of County Road No. 8 a/k/a Woodrum Road
The petition has been submitted requesting that the Commissioners consider abandoning a portion of Woodrum Road. In accordance with Georgia law, the Commissioners must hold a public hearing on this issue before taking action to formally abandon this portion of Woodrum Road. The public hearing notice was published in the Statesboro Herald on Thursday, November 21st and Thursday, November 28th, and property owners on the road were personally notified of the hearing with a letter sent via regular U.S. mail. If, after conducting a public hearing, the Commissioners find that abandonment of a portion of County Road No. 8, also known as Woodrum Road, is warranted because it has ceased to be used by the public to the extent that no substantial public purpose is served by it or its removal from the county road system is otherwise in the best public interest, then the Commissioners may adopt the attached resolution to certify abandonment of the road.
Chairman Roy Thompson afforded 5 minutes total for each side:
Alan Woodrum spoke with Matthew Woodrum to abandon the roadway. He said three people live on the road, including his father, Matthew, and himself. He said it’s a safety matter and they’ve had issues with people dumping, trespassing and speeding. Matthew spoke on an incident in which individuals got out in a car with AR-15s and unloaded them roughly 200 yards from the home while his wife and children were in the front yard/on the front porch.
Mrs. Lord opposed the closure because it gives a secondary option for access to her property, which her family has owned for 40 years. She also said closing the road would devalue her property.
Gayle McGlamery Williams opposed the closure and said she monitors her property with cameras because they have similar issues. She also said her concerns are with the devaluation of her property.
Thomas Steadman, who lives on Woodrum Road, also spoke against the closure because they will only have one exit if it closes.
After hearing from the public, Commissioner Anthony Simmons said ‘a lot of people still use the road,’ so he would make a motion to keep the road open. It was seconded by Ray Mosley. After no discussion, all commissioners voted in favor of keeping the road open.
Approval of Zoning Agenda
D.R. Horton, INC. has submitted an application requesting a variance of 250 gallons per minute from 500 g-p-m as required by Appendix B – Subdivision Regulations schedule 7.7.10. The property is located at the intersection of Amanda Road and Youngblood Road.
This project was denied by P&Z in a 5-0 vote.
Lindsay Martin stated he was asking for leniency to get the issue cleared up.
Specific details were not published with the meeting agenda. Staff ‘recognized it was not the fault of the Martin, but it was the developer that failed to renew the development process,’ Planning Director James Pope stated.
Commissioner Timmy Rushing said he followed the subdivision since the beginning and it’s been a snake pit since the beginning. “He was given the amount of water he had to provide at the time….He’s been caught up in an ordinance change and a subdivision change and any other kind of change….It was not his fault. He is just caught up in a situation. And everything else is EPD approved.”
Approved 5-1 with Commissioner Ray Davis voting NO.
Blue Water Bulloch, LLC., has submitted an application to rezone approximately for 89.61 acres from R-80 (Residential 80,000 sq. ft.) to PUD-1 (Planned Unit Development 1) for the purpose of developing a mixed residential development including single-family detached units and single family attached (townhome) units. The property is located on Burkhalter Road.
This was denied by P&Z in a 5-0 vote.
Blue Water Bulloch LLC is comprised of Jason Franklin, Kelly Brown, and Joey Coty. They have the property under contract from current owner Don Lanier. Represented by Steve Rushing.
This is 248 in additional dwellings but amended plan would swap the townhome proposals to 64 additional single-family homes for a total of 165 single family homes in the development.
- Staff stated that school impact is anticipated. A minimum of 153 new students in the Statesboro High School Feeder district.
- Using the Envision Tomorrow Regional Fiscal Impact Tool 3.4, and based on 101 single-family detached housing units and 147 townhome housing units (2.5 persons per unit) valued at $225,000 average per parcel, it is estimated after a 7-year, 70% build out, public expenditures will exceed revenues by $92,565 ($3,324,769 in total expenditures v. $3,142,204 in total revenues).
- A privately-owned, public system meeting state EPD standards or connection to the City of Statesboro water utility will be required.
- Waste Generation Estimate: 2,309 tons annually.
- Rushing said the project will tie into Adelaide. If density is an issue, Rushing said they would be willing to amend the application to substitute the 108 townhomes for 64 single-family homes and 2.5 dwelling units per acre to 1.7 dwelling units per acre.
- Daily Trip Generation Projected by Applicant Traffic Study: 2,020 trip ends per day
- Negative Impact on Law enforcement: The Sheriff’s Department’s capabilities are already exceeding capacity. The additional development would not require an additional full-time officer.
- Response times for fire and EMS are adequate but the development may create a staffing deficiency upon build out if current staffing is not increased.
Lisa Sikes spoke in opposition because the road issue has not been addressed. Specifically, the intersection at Highway 80 and Burkhalter. She said the dangers of the increased traffic has not been addressed either.
Pam Davis spoke in opposition about first responder access and the close proximity of the buildings to each other. “This is not the type of design we want in Bulloch County.”
Tammy Collins spoke in opposition of the project, saying even with the conditions, it is “still really bad.” She said Burkhalter Road has new proposals almost every week. She said she counted today and
Recommended conditions:
- A northbound left-turn lane is required at the south (driveway 1) entry for the development along Burkhalter Road. Design approval shall be granted by the county engineer.
- The development shall include a playground within the pocket park/open space.
- County streetlight districts shall be designed according to the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) standards for roadway and parking facilities.
- The applicant/developer shall deed to the Bulloch County Board of Commissioners a 15’ wide strip of land immediately adjacent to the existing right of-way of Burkhalter Road for the length of the development.
- Limited to single family dwellings based on revised application
Simmons made a motion to approve, with the 3rd condition deleted and #5 added. Passed 4-2 with Ray Davis and Toby Conner voting no.
Blue Water Bulloch, LLC., has submitted an application to rezone approximately for 9.51 acres from R-80 (Residential 80,000 sq. ft.) to PUD-1 (Planned Unit Development 1) for the purpose of developing a mixed residential development including single-family detached units and single family attached(townhome) units. The property is located on Burkhalter Road.
This is related to the previous agenda item. It’s a second application because the tax parcels are separate, but the plan is to reunite them. Don Lanier had purchased the two parcels from two different owners. This is part of the greenspace and the whole development from agenda item #3.
Lisa Sikes, Pam Davis, Rondy Lundy, and Tammy Collins were signed up to speak. All but Collins deferred because they spoke on the previous agenda items. Collins finished her comments from the previous statement, speaking on the safety issues of the wetlands with the high density. She also expressed concern about future annexation by the City of Statesboro.
Simmons made a motion to approve the zoning application with the same conditions as Agenda Item #3. It was approved 5-1 with Toby Conner voting NO.
Matthew E. Wood has submitted an application to rezone approximately 3.3 acres from AG-5 (Agriculture 5 Acres) to R-2 Two-Family Residential (minimum lot size – 15,000 square feet) for the purpose of creating 5 additional parcels on Oakwood Dr. for duplexes.
P&Z recommended approval 5-0 without staff rezoning conditions.
The original development anticipated 5 single family homes would be located on the applicant parcels. Roadway maintenance is currently conducted by the county public works department. Staff recommended either a paving requirement should be considered if more than 5 units are
allowed or building permits should be restricted to 5 units until the roadway is paved. There are plans to pave the road in the next 5 years.
No one signed up to speak against the application.
Rushing made a motion to accept. Approved 6-0.
Read the application.
FRANKJO, LLC has submitted an application to rezone approximately 1.5 acres from AG-5 (Agricultural 5 acres) to R-25 (Residential 25,000 sq. ft.) for the purpose of creating a residential neighborhood. The property is located at 201 Rimes Lane.
This LLC is owned by Joey Coty. This would be part of a larger development that was rezoned earlier this year but this parcel was omitted.
Approved unanimously.
Read the application.
Kelly Brown has submitted an application to rezone approximately 61.61 acres from AG-5 (Agriculture 5 Acres) to R-3 (Residential 15,000 sq. ft.) for the purpose of creating a neighborhood consisting of two-family dwellings. The property is located on Old Riggs Mill Road near the intersection of Jessica Lane.
There is a change from P&Z which is to keep 30.61 acres AG-5, leaving 31 acres up for the rezone.
Citizen and neighboring property owner Faye Beth Ball said it was her request to keep one portion of the property AG-5 and in good faith, they’re OK with moving forward.
Simmons made a motion to approve, with conditions and with the revised plan of 30.61 acres remaining AG-5. Unanimous approval.
Brian Cartee has submitted an application to rezone approximately 15.5 acres from R-40 (Residential 40,000 sq. ft.) to R-25 (Residential 25,000 sq. ft.) for the purpose of creating a single-family subdivision. The property is located on Josh Deal Road near the intersection of Harville Road.
Read the application for the next 4 agenda items.
Approved unanimously.
Brian Cartee has submitted an application to rezone approximately 15 acres from R-40 (Residential 40,000 sq. ft.) to R-3 Multiple Family Residential (Residential 15,000 sq. ft.) for the purpose of creating a multi-family (townhome) subdivision.
Approved unanimously.
Brian Cartee has submitted an application to rezone approximately 1 acre from R-40 (Residential 40,000 sq. ft.) to R-3 Multiple Family Residential (Residential 15,000 sq. ft.) for the purpose of creating a multi-family (townhome) subdivision. The property is located on Harville Road.
Approved unanimously.
Brian Cartee has submitted an application to rezone approximately 9 acres from R-40 (Residential 40,000 sq. ft.) to NC (Neighborhood Commercial) for the purpose of creating a retail and commercial center (small scale). The property is located on Harville Road.
Approved unanimously.
View the application.

The Home Builders Association of Statesboro, INC. has submitted an application for a Text Amendment to amend the language of the Bulloch County Subdivision Regulations.
This agenda item was deferred to the December 17, 2024 meeting.
R&H Land Holding, LLC. has submitted an application requesting a variance from Appendix B – Subdivision Regulations schedule 6.7.1. Improvement standards by development scale, Major Subdivision 50 lots or more, Curb and Gutter required. Planning and Zoning Commission heard this request on October 10, 2024. The request was denied by a 4-0 vote.
This agenda item was deferred to the December 17, 2024 meeting.
Commissioners took a short break. Upon the resuming the meeting, Vice Chair Ray Davis took over the meeting as Chairman Thompson had to leave to tend to a sick family member.
Approval of General Agenda
Consent Agenda
These items were voted on collectively in a single vote. The vote was unanimous.
- Minutes of Nov 4, 2024 5:30 p.m.
- Minutes of Nov 6, 2024 5:30 p.m.
- Minutes of Nov 7, 2024 5:00 p.m.
- Minutes of Nov 19, 2024 8:30 a.m.
- 2025 Stryker Service Contract Approval
- This is a sole source request for approval of a Stryker service contract. The contract includes parts, labor, travel, preventative maintenance and battery replacement. The contract covers 9 Stryker Power Pro stretchers, 8 Stryker stair chairs, and 5 Stryker Power load systems. The cost is $23,353.60. Staff requests approval by the Board.
- Motion to approve and ratify Sand Creek Land Construction hauling services
- Public Works had Sand Creek Land Construction hauling additional rock to the BCPW yard on the week of Nov.18th to Nov. 22nd; at a cost of $23,310.00. Their services are aiding in the continued repairs using the Debby emergency fund.
- Motion to approve and ratify J L Derriso hauling service
- Public Works had J L Derriso Trucking hauling additional rock from Augusta to the BCPW yard on the week of Nov.18th to Nov. 22nd; at a cost of $32,292.75. Their services are aiding in the continued repairs using the Debby emergency fund.
- Motion to approve and ratify J L Derriso hauling service
- Public Works had J L Derriso Trucking hauling additional rock from Augusta to the BCPW yard on Nov.8th and the week of Nov.11th to the 15th; at a cost of $32,865.75. Their services are aiding in the continued repairs using the Debby emergency fund.
- Authorize renewal of an indigent defense services agreement with the Ogeechee Judicial Circuit Public Defender.
- Motion to approve payment to Thompson Consulting Services
- Thompson Consulting Services was contracted to monitor debris collection to meet FEMA guidelines. Their first 3 weeks of contracted services cost $135,666.69, and it is being funded through the pre-established emergency funds for Public Works.
- Motion to grant a 2025 alcoholic beverage renewal license for package retail beer and wine sales to certain establishments with a current 2024 license.
- Motion to approve payment to Yancey for grader fuel system repairs.
- Public Works is requesting approval to process payment to Yancey for fuel system repairs on a CAT grader. The fuel system was tampered with and needed to be replaced, all repairs came at a cost of $37,676.12.
New Business
Approve Updating Door Lock Monitoring Repairs Per State Code
Update is for all three elevators in the Judicial Annex. Elevators must be updated to meet State Code. $29,400.
Approved unanimously.
Approve a Resolution for a One Percent Special Local Option Sales Tax
Approval of the attached resolution will impose a one percent special purpose local option sales tax (“SPLOST”), subject to approval in a referendum to be held on March 18, 2025, to be imposed for a period of six years and for the raising of approximately $138,000,000 for the purpose of funding certain capital outlay projects. The resolution includes the same project descriptions and cost estimates that are in the intergovernmental agreement between the County and all the municipalities, which agreement was approved by the County on November 19th and has also been approved by all the municipalities. If the referendum passes, this will be a continuation of the current 1% SPLOST that is set to expire on September 30, 2025. The resolution also requests the Board of Elections and Registration to issue the call for the referendum on March 18, 2025. The resolution of the Board of Elections and Registration issuing the call will be on the agenda for its December 9th meeting. The call will then be published in the Statesboro Herald on December 14, 2024.
Approved unanimously.
Acknowledge an Amended and Restated Economic Development Agreement by and between the Development Authority of Bulloch County and REVALYU (US) LLC
The Development Authority previously entered into an Economic Development Agreement with REVALYU (US) LLC in March of 2023 for the construction of a $100,000,000 facility in the Gateway II Industrial Park. However, the project has now grown by more than double to $255,000,000 and new bonds are being issued. Therefore, an Amended and Restated Economic Development Agreement has been entered into and the Commissioners and Tax Assessors are being asked to acknowledge it. The PILOT payment schedule is the same as for the previous agreement.
Approved unanimously.
Approve an Interim County Manager Employment Agreement
Approval of the attached agreement will engage Cindy Steinmann to serve as the Interim County Manager on the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement.
- Salary $175,000 annually
- Severance pay of 3 months if terminated without cause
- Assistant County Manager position is hers when a permanent county manager is hired.
- Read the full agreement
Approved unanimously.
Discussion and/or Action Regarding Notice of Termination of Intergovernmental Agreement for Fire Protection Services with the City of Statesboro
From the agenda: The attached Intergovernmental Agreement for Fire Protection Services provides that in consideration for Statesboro providing fire protection services in the Statesboro Fire Tax District, which is basically the unincorporated area of Bulloch County within a five-mile driving distance from City fire stations, the County will levy a tax within the Statesboro Fire Tax District and pay the revenue to the City of Statesboro. The current agreement was entered into in June of 2020 and has a five-year term commencing on July 1, 2020 and ending on June 30, 2025. The agreement further provides that it will automatically renew for an additional five-year term unless notice is given by the terminating party no less than six months prior to the expiration date. Therefore, the Board needs to decide whether it wants to send a written notice of termination to the City prior to the end of the year or whether it wants to allow the agreement to renew for an additional five-year term. Termination would be appropriate if the County either wants to renegotiate aspects of the agreement or change the delivery of fire protection services in some way. I would also note that if the agreement does renew for an additional five-year term, it has a provision that allows either party to terminate at any time by providing 12 months’ written notice to the other party. So even if the agreement automatically renewed, you wouldn’t necessarily be locked in for the entire 5 years.
Read the agreement
Chief Tapley said the contract is not ‘Bulloch County friendly’ and he believes the agreement should be terminated and then renegotiated.
A motion was made by Rushing to terminate the agreement and authorize the county manager to re-negotiate a new agreement. It was approved unanimously.
Public Comments
Commission & Staff Comments
Executive Session – Personnel
Watch the meeting in the link below: