RUNDOWN: Statesboro City Council – 03/05/24

This is an informal rundown of what happened at the Tuesday, March 5, 2024 city council meeting in Statesboro.
View the complete council packet here.

Call to Order by Mayor Jonathan McCollar – All council members present
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Paulette Chavers
Recognitions/Public Presentations

Presentation of a Life Saving Award to Statesboro Police Officer Levi Teel for his
life saving actions on February 3, 2024.

Public Comments (Agenda Item)

No one present to address council.

Consideration of a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Approval of Minutes
a) 02-20-2024 Work Session Minutes
b) 02-20-2024 Council Minutes
c) 02-20-2024 Executive Session Minutes

Consent Agenda approved unanimously.

Public Hearing and first reading of Ordinance 2024-01: An Ordinance amending Chapter 6 section 6-7(f) of the City of Statesboro Code of Ordinances removing proximity requirements for on-premises consumption alcohol licenses in a delineated section of downtown.

Amendment was moved forward to First Reading at the February 20, 2024 Work Session.

City Attorney Cain Smith briefed council on what this amends in the alcohol ordinance. The current ordinance bars bars and bars with kitchens from being within 100 yards of church and school grounds, which presents issues with the idea of ‘storefront churches.’ After discussion at the work session, council agreed to carve out a portion of downtown that is exempt from pour license proximity requirements. The area spans from Cherry Street to the south, Hill and Elm Streets to the north, College Avenue to the west and Mulberry Street to the east.
Council will still have the ability to deny an application if a location is not ‘appropriate.’

No one was present to speak in favor or against this matter.
No approval action taken as this was the first reading.

Public hearing and consideration of a motion to approve application for an alcohol license in accordance with the City of Statesboro Alcohol Ordinance Sec. 6-13 (a):

a) This is Pizza! LLC dba Holiday Pizza
406 Fair Rd. Suite 10
License type: Low Volume (Restaurant)

b) Sully’s Steamers
1098 Bermuda Run
License type: Low volume (Restaurant)

Both approved 5-0

Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-05: A Resolution requesting approval to apply for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant for the City of Statesboro, Georgia

Each year the Federal Government invites fire departments from around the country to submit an application to the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG). The primary goal of the AFG is to help local fire departments meet their firefighting and emergency response needs, through the awarding of monetary funds to ascertain critically needed equipment protective gear, emergency vehicles, training, programs and other resources. The AFG is a competitive process and it is the Fire Department’s desire to submit an application for the following project in this grant period. The total for this project is $45,000.00.

1) Continuation of the Fire Department Physician Program.

  • This program was awarded in the Department’s 2022 AFG Grant in the amount of
  • $45,000.00 project request. The additional funding request is based on additional
    firefighting positions added over the past two years.

The relevant stipulations of this grant would be a 10% cost share to be paid by the City. This would equate to no more than $4,500.00 if the Fire Department were awarded the project at the total amount of funding requested. Fire Department Staff believe that this cost can be absorbed by the Fire Department’s annual budget which would require no additional allocation of funds.

Approved 5-0.

Consideration of a motion to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with Bulloch County Board of Commissioners and the Bulloch County Board of Elections and Registration to allow the County to use the Jones-Love Building at Luetta Moore Park to train poll workers and conduct elections.

Approved 5-0

Consideration of a motion to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with Bulloch County Board of Commissioners to allow Magistrate Court of Bulloch County to provide municipal court services for animal control violations within the City limits.

Current SDS was executed in 2019 with the County providing animal control services. City recently updated our animal control ordinances to mirror the County’s and streamline the process of Magistrate Court hearing all such citations in the County and its municipalities.

Approved 5-0

Consideration of a motion to authorize the Mayor to execute a three (3) year contract with FUSUS locking in pricing for a three year period

The Police Department is currently working with FUSUS to provide videosharing capabilities at multiple locations across the City. The current agreement expires during the next Fiscal year and FUSUS has extended an offer. The new agreement would lock in the pricing at $80,000 the first year, (which is consistent with the current agreement), $90,000 in year 2, and $99,000 in year 3. The current full rate is $125,000 per year (the SPD has been receiving a significant annual discount due to the early relationship with this company). FUSUS was recently sold to Axon Corporation, and they are expecting to have a new pricing strategy in the next year.

Approved 5-0

Consideration of a motion to authorize the Mayor to execute a Request for Traffic Signal Agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation for installation of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at pedestrian crosswalks on State Route 73, North Main Street at Courtland Street and South Main Street East/West Vine Street.

GDOT proposes to perform a study to consider installing flashing beacons at existing crosswalks on North/South Main Street (SR 67/73) at Courtland Street and West/East Vine Street. Pedestrian crossings at the subject locations are not marked with proper pedestrian warning signals.

GDOT will allow crosswalk flashing beacons installed provided the local government agrees to participate in the costs to purchase and install the signal. The level of participation will be determined after the study has been completed. The full and entire costs of the electric and phone service used to operate the signal shall be at the expense of the City without any cost to GDOT. Also, the understanding that GDOT may ask
for participation on the cost for purchase, installation and maintenance of the signal if approved.

The City proposes to request to GDOT for input on the fixture style of the flashing equipment be black coated pedestrian signal poles and bases that conform to the pedestrian poles already installed along this corridor. GDOT typically provides standard aluminum finish poles and bases unless the local government
agrees to be responsible for supplying replacement poles and bases as needed due for repair or

Project will be funded by 2023 TSPLOST funds.

Approved 5-0

Consideration of a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute purchase agreements for right-of-way acquisition on Gentilly Road for the sidewalk Project. Funding is provided from 2018 TSPLOST.

The Gentilly Road Sidewalk project is proposing to install sidewalk along alternating sides of the Gentilly
Road corridor from Brannen Street to Savannah Avenue. Right-of-Way Acquisition is needed to facilitate
this work and to allow construction where an insufficient width of ROW currently exists for such
improvements. The following is the parcel with agreement:

623 East Grady Street
Tax Parcel ID S52/000032

Right-of-Way and easement acquisition will be funded by 2018 TSPLOST funds.

Approved 5-0

Other Business from City Council

Councilwoman Shari Barr congratulated her friend _, on 52 years of work at East Georgia Regional Medical Center.

City Managers Comments

Penny reminded council of the upcoming council retreat on March 15-16 in Augusta. The focus will be economic development. He also mentioned there will be no work session at the second March meeting as council will be viewing the new city center and the food bank location.

Public Comments (General)

No one present to address council.

Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss “Personnel Matters” “Real Estate” and/or “Potential Litigation” in accordance with O.C.G.A 50-14-3(b)

There was no need for executive session.

Consideration of a Motion to Adjourn

Council adjourned at 9:30 a.m.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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