RUNDOWN: Statesboro City Council – 04/02/24

This is an informal rundown of what happened at the April 2, 2024 Statesboro City Council Meeting.

Call to Order by Mayor Jonathan McCollar
Councilman Phil Boyum arrived at 9:20 a.m.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember John Riggs
Recognitions/Public Presentations
Public Comments (Agenda Item):
There were no public comments.

Consideration of a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

A) Approval of Minutes
a) 03-19-2024 Council Minutes
B) Consideration of a motion to approve the “surplus” of vehicles in the Statesboro Police Department that are past their service life or are not usable. (View surplus list here)

Approved unanimously. Boyum was not present for this vote.

Public hearing, second reading and consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2024-01: An Ordinance amending Section 6-7(e) of the City of Statesboro Code of Ordinances removing proximity requirements for on-premises consumption alcohol licenses in a delineated section of downtown.

Currently, no new alcoholic beverage license for on-premise alcohol consumption of bars and bars & kitchens cannot be permitted by council in 100 yards of proximity of a church building, school building, educational building, school grounds, college building, or college campus.

The proximity requirements change for on-premises licenses creates a waiver for locations in downtown bound by Cherry Street on the south, Hill/ Elm Streets to the north, College Avenue to the west, and Mulberry Street to the east.

John Waters, Pastor for First Baptist of Statesboro, spoke for a few minutes about shared values and common causes and thanked council for their consideration of his concerns ahead of the vote. He did not express support or opposition.

Councilwoman Paulette Chavers asked if the church was in support of the ordinance changes. City Manager Charles Penny did not answer the question, but said any storefront can become a church, and once that happens, there are proximity issues and those conflict with the ordinance. Penny said the ordinance change is in line with creating a vibrant downtown. He said FBC of Statesboro would not be impacted by the change to the ordinance, but the Methodist Church would be. “We didn’t ask First Baptist if they support this or not. We just explained the rationale,” Penny said.

Councilwoman Ginny Hendley said if there were an issue that came before council that would impact FBC or First Methodist, she’d be glad to do her part with regard to the issue. “Churches understand this is good for the community,” she said.

“I’m in favor of this and I’m gonna vote for it,” Councilman John Riggs said, “But I’m here to vote against anything that would disrupt our churches.”

Councilwoman Shari Barr thanked the Bulloch Alcohol & Drug Council for vocalizing their concerns, but said she’s going to go with staff recommendations instead.

Chavers made a motion to approve, seconded by Barr, approved 4-0. Boyum was not present for this vote.
View the documents here.

Public hearing and consideration of a motion to approve application for an alcohol license in accordance with the City of Statesboro alcohol ordinance Sec. 6-13 (a):

Vino 1910 Wine Bar, LLC
22 West Main Street
Statesboro, Ga 30458
License Type: Bar with Kitchen

There was no one present to speak in favor or against this application.
It was approved 4-0. Boyum was not present for this vote.

Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-07: A Resolution requesting approval to apply for the Assistance to Firefighter – Fire Prevention and Safety Grant for the City of Statesboro, Georgia

In the fall of each year the Federal Government invites fire departments from around the country to submit an application to the Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant. The primary goal of the FP&S Grant is to support the projects of local fire departments that enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards through the awarding of monetary funds to ascertain equipment, training and other resources related to Fire Safety and Prevention. The FP&S Grant is a competitive process and it is the Fire Department’s desire to submit an application for the following project in this grant period.

1) Inflatable Fire Safety House – $8,500.00 – The Statesboro Fire Department intends to utilize grant funding, if awarded, to purchase an inflatable fire safety house to aid in teaching young children about fire safety. This will provide the Fire Department with opportunities to delivery important fire and life safety lesson to children in an interactive and fun environment.

Budget Impact: The relevant stipulations of this grant would be a 5% cost share to be paid by the City. This would equate to $425.00 if the Fire Department were awarded the total amount of funding requested. Fire Department Staff believe that this cost can be absorbed by the Fire Department’s annual budget which would require no additional allocation of funds.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-08: A Resolution approving the City of Statesboro’s proposed amendment of the FY2024 Street Resurfacing Program, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the supplemental GDOT Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG). There are no matching funds required.

The LMIG is an annual program in which GDOT allocates transportation funds to local governments. The City uses these funds to supplement the Street Resurfacing Budget. GDOT has announced that the Governor and the Legislature included $250 million in Local Road Assistance Administration funds (LRA)
in the mended fiscal year 2024 budget. The LRA funds will be administered and distributed using the
GRANTS (LMIG) Application System. Eligible activities/projects for LRA funds will be the same as the
LMIG program. LRA funds will require NO match. The Engineering Department staff evaluates City
streets pavement conditions annually to prioritize and select streets for the annual LMIG resurfacing list
that is submitted to GDOT or other roads that require reconstruction & resurfacing such as Brampton

Budget Impact: Council has approved the initial GDOT formula amount for FY24 that is $355,091.43 to be allocated to the City of Statesboro with a minimum requirement of at least 30% matching funds. The City has budgeted $1,000,000 in 2018 TSPLOST funds. GDOT’s formula for the supplemental is $439,730.44 and will be added to the current FY24 budget amount approved. The total amount of $1,794,821.87 will be the total budget for the FY2024 resurfacing & road rehabilitation project.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to award a contract in the not to exceed amount of $57,775.00 with Cranston for professional design services for the Anderson Street pavement project. This project will be paid by TSPLOST funds.

The City of Statesboro issued requests for proposals for design services for the subject project to include
paving improvements, drainage improvements, and possible utility relocations on Anderson Street from
East Main to Hill Street. Only one proposal was received; however, the response was evaluated and
based on the criteria of experience of staff, experience of firm, project approach and cost. Since the
proposal is for engineering services and not for equipment, etc., the bid was allowed by Central Services.
Stormwater infrastructure will be added.

This project will pave the last unpaved street in the City. There is a proposed development to the east of
Anderson Street which the developer will accommodate the City to donate right-of-way to complete the

This project is to be funded by TSPLOST and within the FY24 budget amount.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Hussy, Gay, Bell Engineering, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $49,000.00 to provide design, bid, surveying and contract administration services for the extension of 2,250 LF of water main on Broad St. To be paid for with funds from operating revenue, approved in CIP Budget Item #WWD-166

The water main on Broad Street extending from Savannah Ave to Jones Street is in poor condition and has experienced many leaks in the past few years. It is also undersized and does not have adequate fire hydrants to serve the properties located on the street. We are proposing to replace the old 2” steel main with a new 8” pvc main, with additional fire hydrants. The installation of a new water main will improve the reliability of the water main and improve fire flow capacity in the area. The budget for this project is $180,000.00 but will probably need to be increased due to record high labor and material costs.

Budget Impact: This project was approved to be paid for with System Revenues in CIP Project #WWD-166.

Approved unanimously 5-0.

Consideration of a motion to approve the purchase of a knuckle-boom grapple trash collection truck with a 2024 Freightliner M2 Chassis and Pac-Mac body per Source well contract from Solid Waste Applied Technology (SWAT) in the amount of $222,000.00

The knuckle boom collection truck is to be utilized in the Solid Waste Collection Division of Public Works
& Engineering Department. The knuckle boom truck is funded in the amount of $222,000.00 in the
FY2024 budget and is listed under CIP SWC-1. This truck will be outfitted with other safety equipment
and decals with available funds budgeted. The Knuckle boom yard waste truck will be purchased to
replace the oldest unit (743) of the fleet that is at the end of its life cycle.

This machine is on a 5/10 year rotation (front line/backup machine) to minimize the downtime and
maintain operational efficiency due to the continuous work load of the commercial division. It is
anticipated that the current backup machine will be utilized in operations within Public Works Streets

The Source well Contract # 091219-NWY, meets all requirements, specifications and warranty needed.
SWAT is an authorized PacMac reseller and is located in Bulloch County.

Budget Impact: Reduction in Maintenance Costs

Approved unanimously 5-0.

Consideration of a motion to approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $56,742.00 for the Blower and Pump Upgrades Project at the WasteWater Treatment Plant. To be paid for with funds included in the project budget #WTP-24, that was approved by council on 8-9-23.

In August of 2023 Council approved CIP project WTP-24 for upgrades to Blowers and Pumps at the WWTP, as part of our efforts to modernize and maintain equipment at the plant. In the process of ordering parts it was recommended by the pump supplier that the pump piping should be epoxy lined to protect it for the corrosive environment in which it would be placed. It was also recommended by our contractor that we upgrade the Gaskets in the Air Piping system to Heavy Duty FMK Gaskets for longer life and better performance.

The total project cost will increase from $1,993,705.00 to $2,050,447.00.

Approved unanimously 5-0.

Other Business from City Council

Councilwoman Shari Barr wanted to remind people of the upcoming First Friday event slated for April 5.

City Managers Comments

Charles Penny told council members about the upcoming Downtown Live concert series slated for later this month, noting there will be eight concerts this year instead of four.

He also announced a notice of annexation regarding property at the intersection of Country Club and Cypress Lake Road. He said it was discussed at the council retreat in Augusta.

Public Comments (General)

Charlotte Spell from the Bulloch Alcohol & Drug Council signed up to speak about her concerns regarding the increase in vape shops in Statesboro.

Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss “Personnel Matters” “Real Estate” and/or “Potential Litigation” in accordance with O.C.G.A 50-14-3(b)

Council entered into executive session at 9:56 a.m.

Consideration of a Motion to Adjourn

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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