RUNDOWN: Statesboro City Council Meeting – 06-15-21

The Statesboro City Council met for the second regular council meeting in
June on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. The following agenda items were discussed:

You can find supporting documents for the agenda items here.

Call to Order
Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
Councilmembers Phil Boyum and John Riggs were present via Zoom

Presentations & Recognitions
A) Presentation of a Proclamation for Amateur Radio Week

Public Comment on Agenda Items

Consideration of a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

  • Approval of Minutes
  • a) 06-01-2021 Council Minutes
  • b) 06-01-2021 Executive Session Minutes
  • B) Consideration of a Motion to approve Surplus and Disposition of the four 2011 Dodge Chargers in the Police Department that are past their service life. (These vehicles will be sold through an auction process as per city procedure)

    Approved unanimously 5-0

Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: Application SE 21-04-03:
Jamie Lynn Stowbridge requests a special exception to locate a trailer on a 0.3 acre property located in the R-10 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district on a property located on Lewis Street (Tax Parcel #S36 000001 000).

Approved unanimously 5-0

Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: Application SUB 21-05- 01:
Robbie Bell requests preliminary PLAT approval for a 5-lot residential subdivision for the development of 5 single-family detached homes to complete the Northbridge Subdivision on 55.48 acres located on Highway 301 North (Tax Parcel# MS80000013 000).

Approved unanimously 5-0

Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: Application V 21-05-02:
BVT Enterprises LLC requests a Variance from Article XXX, Section 3005 (B) in order to place a mural exceeding 25% of the wall facade at 22 West Vine Street (Tax Parcel # S18 000035 000).

Approved unanimously 5-0

Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: Application V 21-05- 03:
Jake Dragan requests a Variance from Article XI, Section 1102(G) in order to allow the use of the pre-existing building located at 408 South Main Street (Tax Parcel # S20 000103 000).

Approved unanimously 5-0

Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: Application RZ 21-05-04:
Teramore Development, LLC requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R20 (Single Family Residential) Zoning District to the CR (Commercial Retail) Zoning District in order to develop a Dollar General at 959 North Main Street (Tax Parcel # MS58000022 000).

Approved unanimously 5-0

Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to approve Resolution 2021-24:
A Resolution Exempting Certain Vehicles from Marking Requirements for One Year.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a Motion to approve Resolution 2021-25:
A Resolution to adopt the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget for each fund of the City of Statesboro, Georgia, appropriating the amount shown in each budget as expenditures/expenses, adopting the several items of revenue anticipations, and prohibiting expenditures or expenses from exceeding the actual funding available for appropriations.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a Motion to Approve Resolution 2021-26:
A Resolution adopting the Statesboro Schedule of Rates, Fees and Fines.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a Motion to award a contract for auditing services to Lanier, Deal and Proctor in the amount of $47,000.00 and $5000 for a Single Audit for FY 2021 with an option to extend the contract for FY2022 and FY2023 at the same prices. If approved, each yearly contract will be signed prior to beginning auditing services. Auditing services are funded under the Finance Department in the General Fund

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Statesboro Arts Council, Inc. to market downtown Statesboro by operating and managing the Averitt Center for the Arts, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Averitt Center for the Arts will receive 25.1% of the Hotel-Motel excise taxes.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Downtown Statesboro Development Authority/Main Street to market downtown Statesboro, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Downtown Statesboro Development Authority (DSDA) will receive 19.9 % of the Hotel-Motel excise taxes.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. to market Statesboro and Bulloch County, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau (SCVB) will receive 50.0 % of the Hotel-Motel excise taxes.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2021-27:
A Resolution to accept the CJCC Grant for the City of Statesboro. [Details]

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a Motion to enter into a service agreement with Optim Sports Medicine for Athletic Trainer Services.

Over the past year employees within the Statesboro Fire Department and Statesboro Police Department have had Athletic Trainer Services available to them at no cost. This service was implemented as part of the Health and Wellness partnership with Georgia Southern University. A Certified Athletic Trainer pursuing a graduate degree in Exercise Science was made available to provide applicable services to employees.

Shortly after implementing this program, the health and wellness benefits as well as potential cost savings from having this service available were apparent. Employees were able to utilize the Athletic Trainer for minor injuries, physical rehabilitation as well as injury prevention and recognition. Additionally, employees from other City Departments have been able to take advantage of these services.

Based on the success of this initiative the Statesboro Fire Department worked towards maintaining an Athletic Trainer and the services they provide. Optim Sports Medicine was contacted and has agreed to provide a full-time Athletic Trainer for $47,000.00 annually. This fee will be paid in equal monthly installments over the one year agreement.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to authorize the mayor to execute a contract with Waste Management of Georgia, Inc. for a solid waste and wastewater sludge landfill disposal air rights contract.

The disposal rate provided in their proposal is $23.00 per ton for municipal solid waste and
$60.00 per ton for wastewater sludge.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to authorize the mayor to execute a contract with Atlantic Waste Services, Inc. for a solid waste and wastewater sludge transportation contract.

The service rate provided in their proposal is $15.50 per ton plus fuel surcharge adjustments per RFP.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to award a contract to National Auto Fleet Group in the amount of $55,318.00 for the purchase of one 30’ Mac Dump Trailer. Trailer to be purchased with 2013 SPLOST funds.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to award a contract to McLendon Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $3,956,569.90 for the Blue Mile Streetscape Improvements project. This project is paid by GDOT LMIG (grant) funds, 2018 TSPLOST, 2013 SPLOST, and water, sewer, gas enterprise funds.

The project includes drainage improvements, utility relocations, sidewalk improvements, and streetscape improvements (i.e. decorative streetlights, benches, landscaping, pocket parks, and transit system bus shelters). Construction is scheduled to begin in Summer 2021 with expected project completion by Fall/Winter 2022. The low bid is higher than the engineer’s cost estimate, however, there is only an 8% difference between the two bids received so staff is confident that the bids submitted are more representative of the current construction market. Further, any delay in award of construction could result in increased costs to the project due to current supply chain and market conditions.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a motion to purchase wetlands mitigation credits for $66,600 as required by special conditions within the Corps of Engineers permit issued for the project. The purchase is to be paid from 2019 CDBG (grant) and 2013 SPLOST funds.

Approved unanimously 5-0

Consideration of a Motion to approve Resolution 2021-23: A Resolution initiating voter referendum to authorize issuance of licenses for the package sale of distilled spirits.

Approved 3-2 with council members Riggs and Barr opposing.

Public Comments (General)


Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss “Personnel Matters”
“Real Estate” and/or “Potential Litigation” in accordance with O.C.G.A 50-14-3(b)

No executive session was held

Consideration of a Motion to Adjourn

The meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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