In recognition of National Doctors’ Day, East Georgia Regional Medical Center recognized the dedication of the medical staff.
“On Doctors’ Day, and every day, we are grateful to work with our dedicated and skilled providers. We recognize their tireless efforts to give safe, quality and compassionate care to every patient, every time, always,” states Stephen Penningtion, CEO.
The hospital chose to honor the medical staff on Doctors’ Day by making donations to community organizations, chosen by the providers, in lieu of gifts. This year’s recipients were Fostering Bulloch, Bulloch County Boys & Girls Club, Christian Social Ministries, Hearts and Hands Clinic and Ogeechee Area Hospice.
The first United States Doctors’ Day observance was March 28, 1933, in Winder, Georgia. This first observance included the mailing of cards to the physicians and their wives, flowers placed on graves of deceased doctors, including Dr. Long, and a formal dinner in the home of Dr. and Mrs. William T. Randolph. After the Barrow County Alliance adopted Mrs. Almond’s resolution to pay tribute to the doctors, the plan was presented to the Georgia State Medical Alliance in 1933 by Mrs. E. R. Harris of Winder, president of the Barrow County Alliance.

On May 10, 1934, the resolution was adopted at the annual state meeting in Augusta, Georgia. The resolution was introduced to the Women’s Alliance of the Southern Medical Association at its 29th annual meeting held in St. Louis, Missouri, November 19–22, 1935, by the Alliance president, Mrs. J. Bonar White.
Since then, Doctors’ Day has become an integral part of and synonymous with, the Southern Medical Association Alliance.
The United States Senate and House of Representatives passed S.J. RES. #366 during the 101st United States Congress, which President Bush signed on October 30, 1990 (creating Public Law 101-473), designating Doctors’ Day as a national holiday to be celebrated on March 30.