High School Touts Construction Industry Certification for Trade Students

One Georgia High School has achieved CTAE Industry Certification for its Construction company.

Harris County High School (HCHS) was notified of the CTAE (Career, Technical, and Agriculture Education) Certification last week at an annual conference sponsored by Trade and Industrial Educators of GEorgia.

On January 28, Jim Steel, HCHS construction program teacher, was notified of the approval by Roy Rucks, CTAE Senior Advisor for the Construction Education Foundation of Georgia (CEFGA) told HCHS Construction Program teacher Jim Steel in an email:

“Thank you for your hard work in pursuing Industry Certification of your Construction program. Our review team has found that Industry Certification standards have been met and the team approves the awarding of Industry Certification to the Harris County High School Construction program.”

“This is the highest-level designation of CTAE program, and we recognize the difficulty of achieving this during a school year impacted by a global pandemic. You are to be commended for your efforts in persevering and maintaining a well-run program. We know the students are benefiting from your instruction.”

“CEFGA and the construction industry are proud to recognize Harris County High School’s Construction program as an industry certified program and a vital part of the K12 Pipeline. We look forward to continuing to work with and support you and your program however possible.”

HCHS Principal Tyler Dunn shared, “After an eight-year hiatus, the construction program was revived just three years ago. The program, the students, and the teacher have already been receiving recognitions for various accomplishments. This certification is most impressive in such a short amount of time. We congratulate both Mr. Steel and the students for achieving this accomplishment for Harris County High School and the school district. Programs such as these open doors for future employability for our students in turn supporting our local economy and impacting our local community.”

“When our students can compete and demonstrate their skills and knowledge, they build their confidence and prepare themselves for the workplace,” said Jim Steel, HCHS construction teacher.  “Despite the restrictions caused by COVID-19, my students are excelling in their abilities and knowledge, and I am extremely proud of them.”

In addition to the HCHS construction program students winning at competitions, it was just in July of 2020 that Steel was honored with the CEFGA Impact Award. The award recognized Steel for his impacts to both students and the construction workforce by landing in the Top 10 of over 160 skilled trade instructors in the state. 

The school will receive a CEFGA banner and certificate acknowledging its status as an industry certified program. This certification is valid for five years from the date issued. 

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