Georgia Senators Seek to Create Voluntary “No Sell” Firearms List

Sen. Elena Parent (D–Atlanta) and Sen. Sally Harrell (D–Atlanta) filed Senate Bill 522, also known as Donna’s Law, to allow Georgia citizens with suicidal ideations to place themselves on the FBI’s NICS Firearms Checks list to protect themselves. SB 522 is expected to be heard in the Senate Committee on Public Safety on Wednesday, Feb. 28th.

If passed, Georgia would become the fourth state to adopt this legislation. The law is named for Donna Nathan, who suffered from bipolar disorder for 30 years and voluntarily admitted herself to psychiatric treatment facilities to protect herself.  In 2018, she Googled “gun stores,” drove to one, purchased a gun and shot herself, ending her life.

“The rate of suicides nationally and in Georgia is on the rise, with firearms being the method used in over half of these tragic deaths. With firearms, there are very few second chances, as about 85% of gun suicide attempts result in death,” said Sen. Parent. “We have the opportunity here to offer those who are suffering with this mental health crisis and the professionals who treat them a no-cost tool to reduce the probability of death or self-harm.”

“We are in the middle of a mental health crisis in our state and around the country. As we work toward providing more access to mental healthcare, we also want to do everything we can to prevent people from harming themselves,” said Sen. Harrell. “Studies show that suicides are often very hasty decisions that are not well thought out. Donna’s Law could help prevent people who are suffering from making impulsive decisions.”

Donna’s Law would allow individuals to place themselves on the list through a healthcare professional or under oath through a probate court in their county of residence. Once an individual applies, they would be placed on the NICS firearms check list within 24 hours. The law also allows for applicants to remove themselves from the list no sooner than seven days after they apply.

For the full version of SB 522, read here.

Sen. Elena Parent serves as Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus. She represents the 42nd Senate District which includes portions of DeKalb County. She may be reached at 404.656.5109 or via email at
Sen. Sally Harrell represents the 40th Senate District which includes portions of DeKalb and Gwinnett counties. She may be reached by phone at 404.463.2260 via email at

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