Rep. Sam Park Files LIMIT Act to Eliminate Leadership Committees

State Representative Sam Park (D-Lawrenceville), House Minority Whip, recently introduced the Limiting the Increase of Money’s Influence Today Act (LIMIT Act), legislation to eliminate leadership committees, which provide legislative and executive leaders the ability to raise and spend unlimited political campaign contributions without limits on the amount of money individuals, special interests and businesses can donate to political candidates.

“By eliminating the ability for politicians to accept unlimited campaign contributions, we’re taking an important step toward ensuring our elected officials serve all Georgians – not just the ones with the deepest pockets,” said Rep. Park. “The LIMIT Act will limit the influence of money in politics and protect the voice and power of all Georgians.”

Legislation to create leadership committees was signed into law in 2021, ahead of the 2022 campaign cycle, and provides political candidates with a campaign finance mechanism that:
•           has no limits on contributions or expenditures;
•           can coordinate directly with candidates;
•           may solicit or accept donations during General Assembly sessions.

“Our democracy thrives when all voices are heard, not just those of wealthy donors, special interests, and large corporations who can afford to drown out the rest of us,” said Porsha White, Vice President of the Strategic Partnerships, End Citizens United. “Rep. Park’s bill aims to restore balance in Georgia and ensure that no individual, corporation, or special interest group can buy undue influence over our political process.”

“The introduction of leadership committees in the 2022 election cycle ratcheted up political campaign spending to record levels,” added Rep. Park. “Over $110 million was raised and spent by leadership committees, of which over 90 percent was attributable to gubernatorial campaigns. The 2022 gubernatorial race alone broke previous fundraising records, about $170 million was raised between the two general election candidates, that included both candidate campaign accounts and leadership committees combined. Nationally, the 2022 midterm election was the most expensive in American history, with the total spending on state and federal races exceeding $16.7 billion.”

Representative Sam Park currently represents the citizens of District 101, which includes portions of Gwinnett County. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 2016 and currently serves as the House Minority Caucus Whip. He also serves on the Higher Education, Industry and Labor, Intragovernmental Coordination and Small Business Development committees.

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