Georgia’s graduating class of 2024 is seventh in a row to beat national average on SAT

For the seventh year in a row, Georgia public-school students outperformed their counterparts in the nation’s public schools on the SAT – specifically, Georgia public-school students recorded a mean score of 1030, 35 points higher than the national average for public-school students of 995. 

Georgia’s public-school class of 2024 recorded a mean score of 527 on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) portion of the assessment, and a mean score of 503 on the math portion. That’s compared to averages of 507 and 488, respectively, for students in the nation’s public schools.

“I am so proud of the class of 2024 and their teachers, parents, families, and the communities who supported them,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “We continue to see Georgia students outpacing the national average on the SAT and ACT and that’s a testament to the work we’ve done in Georgia to invest in our students’ academic recovery post-pandemic and create opportunities in our public schools that prepare every child for life.” 

Georgia students’ mean score decreased compared to 2023, when the mean was 1045. The national mean score also decreased, from 1003 in 2023.

Participation in Georgia increased, which sometimes leads to moderate drops in performance – 52% of Georgia’s class of 2024 took the SAT at some point during high school, compared to 50% of the class of 2023.​

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