Single Surge: Georgia’s Singles Population Swells by 1.2 Million in the New Year

  • Data reveals a geographically representative snapshot of how many are reentering the dating scene
  • Nationally, there are 35 million new singles since the end of 2023.

As the holiday glitter has settled, it’s not just the Christmas lights that have gone out – so have the flames of faltering romances, as many decided not to carry their baggage into the New Year. It’s the season of the Great Romantic Reset, where reflection leads to resolute endings., a #1 rated photo book company, surveyed 3,000 new singletons to map the landscape of love’s recent departees: the newly single who are now taking applications for a plus one. Utilizing this survey data, they compiled a geographically representative snapshot, state by state, revealing how many are reentering the dating scene.

It is revealed that, since the start of 2024, a whopping 35,492,356 people are newly on the singles dating scene! In the vast and populous California, the surge in solo flyers seeking a romantic co-pilot is most pronounced, with the singles market burgeoning by nearly 4.5 million. 

In Texas, where everything is larger than life, 3.1 million hearts are back on the market, ready for a love as grand as the state itself. 

And in New York, the city that never sleeps, 2.6 million singles are navigating the dating avenues, channeling their inner Carrie Bradshaw in search of that perfect ‘Mr. Big’ or at least a Mr. ‘Right Now’.

The fourth-largest number of singles reentering the market resides in Florida. The sun-kissed state, often seen as a haven for new beginnings, has its own story to tell, with over 2.5 million people now updating their dating profiles, perhaps in search of love as enduring as the endless Florida summer.

And rounding up the top 5 of 2024’s single markets came Ohio, the heartland state, where traditional values meet modern-day romance. Ohio may not boast the glitz of California or the glamor of New York, but its charm is in its genuine approach to relationships. In the Buckeye State, the new year has seen a significant number of singles— over 1.4 million—poised to find companionship that’s as heartfelt as the state’s Midwestern roots. 

In Georgia, romance is getting a fresh start. Ranking seventh overall, the state has seen a remarkable influx of 1,224,671 new singles ready to rewrite their love stories. This significant increase reflects a renewed sense of optimism and a desire for meaningful connections among Georgians. In cities like Atlanta, singles are poised to explore new chapters in their lives, with hearts open to the possibilities that the new year brings. 

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