Republican Seeking to Challenge Lucy McBath Picks Up Several Endorsements

One of the Republican candidates seeking to take on Congresswoman Lucy McBath in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District has recently collected several endorsements of his candidacy.

Jake Evans, an attorney and resident of Cobb County, announced that his campaign has the backing of several heavy hitters in the district, which entails parts of Fulton and Cobb counties.

Among Evans’ endorsers:

Former Georgia Congressman and longtime conservative activist Bob Barr

“As conservatives, it is vitally important that we have sharp, tough-minded lawyers like Jake serving on the Judiciary Committee to stand up for our Second Amendment rights, for our religious liberties, and for laws that will crack down on the rampant crime across our nation,” said Barr, who served also as the U.S. Attorney in Atlanta during the Reagan administration. “Through the Mainstream Media, Big Tech, academia, and corporations, the Left will use every lever at its disposal to cancel conservative voices, and I’m backing Jake because I know he’s a true believer in conservative principles, and he won’t let these powers on the Left intimidate or silence him.

Lucy McBath is a puppet for Nancy Pelosi’s extreme agenda, and Jake Evans is our very best chance at defeating her.”

Former US Speaker Newt Gingrich

“Jake has reached the right conclusions on how to get our country back on track. Jake

is a strong conservative fighter that will stand up for us in Washington against threats to our constitutional freedoms and way of life. I have no doubt he will bring solid, conservative values to Congress that put us in the direction of a smaller, more localized government. I hope you can join me in supporting Jake Evans for Congress.” – Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives and Congressman from Georgia’s 6th District.”

The Atlanta Tea Party Patriots and its co-founder Debbie Dooley

Jake will stand up for the principles that will Make America Great Again,” Dooley said. “He’s the unapologetic, unbreakable conservative that we need to retake this congressional seat. Our group represents a true grassroots movement, and Jake is a product of the grassroots. He didn’t parachute in out of nowhere just to run for office; he’s not a weak-kneed member of the Establishment; he’s a conservative leader who’s shown up for years as a volunteer to fight for Republican victories. That’s who we need to go toe-to-toe with Lefty Lucy McBath, take back the 6th Congressional District and start the Great American Comeback.”

“As an attorney, Jake has led and won on one of the top issues of our time: election integrity,” Dooley said. “His work overturned two elections in the same race because he was able to prove irregularities, and he took the Trump campaign’s case in Pennsylvania all the way to the Supreme Court. That’s the kind of fighter we need. We won’t take back our country with weak candidates, and Jake has demonstrated the strong leadership we need. We’re proud to join this effort, and we encourage true, MAGA conservatives to get onboard.”

Former GA-06 Candidate & Military Veteran Eric Welsh

“I’m Colonel Retired Eric Welsh. Several months ago I had the honor and privilege to launch my candidacy for Georgia’s 6th District. Unfortunately due to personal and professional reasons I had to suspend by candidacy and campaign, but what I haven’t suspended is my passion, commitment and love for this great nation — a nation I spent 27 years, with multiple deployments to combat, to lead and follow alongside some of the greatest men and women I will ever know, and this nation will ever know. But I am also a small business owner, a father and a grandfather. I am a father to a son currently serving as the 9th generation to the family legacy. We have serious problems this country is facing. We have borders that are open, we have out of control spending, government overreach on our civil liberties and we have issues around voter integrity. We do have a solution to these problems. That solution is Jake Evans, a candidate I fully support and endorse. Jake has a proven past performance and is a professional who has lived in this district a long time with his beautiful wife, Baylie. They, together as a team, will represent not only service members, veterans and their families but all residents of this district.”

Evans is the current Chairman of the Republican National Lawyers Association’s Georgia Chapter and he previously served as the Chair of Georgia Ethics Commission. You can learn more about him on Facebook or on his campaign website.

Evans joins Republicans Meagan Hanson, Harold Earls, and Mallory Staples in the primary race currently slated for May 2022.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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