White college enrollment has been dropping disproportionately

(The Center Square) – The college enrollment of white students has been dropping by a larger percentage than any other race bracket, while anti-white college courses abound.

A Chronicle of Higher Education story stated that “over the last decade, undergraduate enrollment of white students has dropped more than that of any other racial group.”

According to statistics gathered by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, from 2019 to 2023, white students experienced the most severe drop – around 20% – in enrollment in all sectors, meaning public four-year schools, private four-year schools, and others.

The decrease of enrollment for all races collectively from 2019 to 2023 is about 7%, according to the statistics.

Black enrollment decline is about 11% from 2019 to 2023, while Hispanic enrollment has increased by nearly 2%.

The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center exists to publish “data on postsecondary metrics,” and to influence policy, according to its website.

Executive director of the Clearinghouse Doug Shapiro told The Chronicle of Higher Education that white enrollment had been declining before the pandemic, but that “we didn’t really notice it until the last couple of years.”

“When the pandemic started in 2020, we were focused on race and ethnicity and the large declines in Black and Hispanic enrollments,” Shapiro said.

“Over the next couple of years, we started noticing, with some surprise, that the declines among white students were equally large as Black declines,” Shapiro said, with 2021 and 2022 being the years “when the declines in white numbers really took off.”

When reached twice each for comment, neither Shapiro nor the Clearinghouse media relations responded.

In recent years, higher education has become a hostile place towards white people, especially white men.

For instance, an assignment at Indiana University recently told students that being white or male is oppressive and forced them to admit to one oppressive or “dominant” identity they possess and one “subordinate” identity they possess – like being Black or atheist.

Similarly, Northwestern University is offering a course entitled “Unsettling Whiteness” which examines whiteness in four ways: “as the racialization of white populations; as the formation of white supremacy; as the cultural institution of the White Gaze; and as the regime of White Democracy.”

A 2023 survey by The Chronicle of Higher Education showed that while 56% of minority respondents said they believed college does an “excellent” or “very good job” educating, “only 31 percent of white respondents believed that.”

A factor The Chronicle named for the decline in enrollment is the opportunity for well-paying jobs that don’t require college degrees.

The Center Square previously reported on Gen Z’s interest in skilled trades rising, because one can “earn money and work right away” in the trades.

By Tate Miller | The Center Square contributor


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