Candidate Spotlight: Lannie Lanier – Bulloch Co. Board of Education District 1

Name on Ballot: Lannie L. Lanier

For which office are you seeking: Member of the Board of Education – non-partisan

Employment/Profession: Retired

Military Service: None

Can you allocate the time to attend and actively participate in all required meetings and additional functions? Yes

Political Experience: Previous BOE member 2001-2004

Civic Involvement: Active in the Portal community

If you have yet to gain prior political experience or involvement, give your reasons for seeking this position and your qualifications for office: The BOE needs experienced leadership during this period of growth and change. We also need better communication and cooperation between the BOE and the BOC.

How would you best explain the duties of the office you seek? To work with the Supt and other members to provide the best outcomes for students, taxpayers and employees.

How can you best contribute to our county and the citizens you serve? I bring a great deal of experience to the board. I feel I can make a positive contribution based on my years working in education.

Are you willing to speak and communicate with the citizens that you serve? Yes . I always welcome civic engagement with constituents.

What are your biggest concerns for the County and the citizens you are running to represent? To maintain high standards in the face of rapid growth. Also meeting budget needs without raising taxes for property owners. We must attract and maintain the best teachers and support personnel to make our system great. These employees need to be empowered and supported.

What changes or improvements would you like to see made in Bulloch County? Better relationships between the City of Statesboro, the BOE and the BOC. No one operates in isolation and we need to do a better job of planning for development including school construction in decision making. The BOE constantly plays from behind and should not be forced to do so.

What would you like to see continue in Bulloch County? Bulloch County is known for having high standards of quality and is a great place to live. We are rapidly becoming more urban/suburban and this is a massive change. I would like to continue being known as a great county for agriculture and have diversity in our economy .

How would you balance the interests of the taxpayers with the needs of the citizens? Spending must be kept under control. The costs of operating a school system are high, and we must manage our resources responsibly. We need to plan well and execute well to get the most from what we have. I am especially concerned for seniors and those on fixed incomes. We cannot allow Bulloch County to become a place where they cannot afford to live.

I would like to add… I greatly appreciate my district allowing me to run unopposed. I pledge to do my best to make responsible decisions for those who elected me.

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