Bulloch Co. Weekly Covid-19 Report – 07/07/21

Recent Statistics/Past Week

  • Currently EGRMC reports 2 COVID-19 patients /1 on ventilators. (Bulloch County residents and non-residents)

Cumulative Statistics/Past Week:

  • 5246 confirmed cases and 1615 positive antigen/rapid tests to date/DPH site. 
  • 21 Cases per 100k in last 2 weeks (< 100 is goal)
  • 10.7% PCR positive tests.  7-day Avg.  (<5% is goal) 
  • 226 hospitalizations/Bulloch Citizens
  • 62 confirmed deaths reported to date by DPH (Bulloch County Residents)    
  • 59 probable deaths reported by DPH. (This number represents Bulloch citizens that received a positive Antigen/rapid test for COVID-19, developed COVID-19 symptoms and subsequently died).
  • 121 total deaths of Bulloch citizens.

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