Here’s what happened at the November 16, 2021 Bulloch County Board of Commissioners meeting:
Call to Order
Invocation & Pledge
Roll Call – Commissioners Timmy Rushing and Walter Gibson were not present.
Public Hearing – CDBG-CV Pre-Award – This is part of the effort to find a new location for the Statesboro Food Bank/Pantry.
Presentation– Cathy Kloess – this matter was tabled as the speaker was no able to be present
Public Comments – none
Consent Agenda – approved unanimously
- Minutes of Nov 2, 2021 5:30 PM
- Minutes of Nov 8, 2021 5:30 PM
- Motorola Radio System Software Agreement
- This is a 2 year software contract for the Bulloch County portion of the SEGARRN radio system. This contract is to keep the software up to date on the Bulloch County radio equipment. The county is required to keep the software in alignment with the software of the SEGARRN master site
- Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Herschel Drive in Langley Pond Subdivision
- The developer has requested that the County accept dedication of and title to the road in Langley Pond Subdivision. County Engineer Brad Deal has inspected this road and determined that it complies with all County requirements. Adoption of the attached resolution will implement acceptance of this road and authorize Chairman Thompson to accept a deed for this road on behalf of the County. Approval is recommended by staff.
- To grant a 2022 alcoholic beverage renewal license for package retail beer and wine sales to certain establishments with a current 2021 license.

- Approve the reappointment for Yolanda Tremble and Charles Chandler to the Planning and Zoning Commission to serve terms beginning January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2025.
- Approve the reappointment for Mary Woods to the Health Board to serve term beginning January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2028.
- Motion to approve a resolution adopting a program policy regarding Duplication of Benefits
- The United State Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated Community Block Grant coronavirus response (CDBG-CV) funds to the state of Georgia to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus. As a potential recipient of CDBG-CV funds, Bulloch County must develop procedures to prevent any Duplication of Benefits. The approval of this resolution will officially adopt the program policy
- Motion to approve a resolution adopting the updated Language Access Plan (LAP)
- Federal guidance mandates that Bulloch County, a sub-recipient of federal funds awarded by Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), is obligated to reduce language barriers that could preclude Meaningful Access by limited English proficiency (“LEP”) persons to Bulloch County programs that are funded with such federal financial assistance. Bulloch County has prepared this Language Access Plan (“LAP” or “Plan”), which defines the actions to be taken to ensure Meaningful Access to Bulloch County services, programs, and activities on the part of LEP persons. The original LAP was adopted on January 2, 2018 for the construction of a senior citizens center utilizing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. The previously adopted LAP will be replaced by this version, which has been updated based on a new CDBG application for a food pantry.
- In preparing this Plan, Bulloch County conducted a Four- Factor Analysis (attached), considering (1) the number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by the Bulloch County or its federally funded programs; (2) the frequency with which LEP persons come into contact with the Bulloch County’s programs; (3) the nature and importance of the programs, activities, or services to people’s lives; and (4) resources available to execute the programs and the costs of providing the LEP services.
- Purchase of Flooring for Honey Bowen Building
- This is a budgeted item in the FY22 CIP schedule (Project RFAC06 / $30,000). Flooring will be purchased from Shaw Industries, Inc., via state contract for the price of $25,982.24. Remaining items needed will be purchased at a later date
- Mill Creek Paver Project
- This is a budgeted item in the FY22 CIP schedule (Project RD24 / $250,000). The bid price from Kit Construction Company for laying block for tree planters at Mill Creek is $57,000. Remaining items needed will be purchased at a later date. Approval is recommended by staff
- Resolution Declaring Unserviceable and Authorizing Internet Sale or Disposal of Vehicles and Equipment
New Business
Adoption of a Resolution Approving Certain Agreements in the National Opioid Litigation
- Background on the lawsuit and the proposed settlement
approved unanimously
Discussion and/or action to authorize a CDBG grant application – this is for the Statesboro Food bank relocation – approved unanimously
Discussion on consideration of consulting agreement for firefighter grant application – approved unanimously
Commission and Staff Comments
Adjourn – the meeting adjourned at 9:04 A.M.