RUNDOWN: Bulloch County Board of Education Meeting – 07/14/22

Here’s what happened at the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting on Thursday, July 14, 2022.

Call to Order – Board members Hill, Mims, Sparks, Womack, Tedders, and Martin were present.
Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance
Amend/Adopt the Agenda
– approved
Board Member Comments
– none
Public Participation
– none

Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent shared that everyone is preparing for teachers to return the week after next as well as the students.

A. Consent Agenda – Superintendent recommended approval of agenda. It was approved unanimously with no discussion.

  1. Board Meeting Minutes
    • June 20, 2022 special called meeting
    • June 23, 2022 regular session
  2. Board Member Payroll for June 2022

3. Financial Report for May 2022

No Title

No Description

B. Old Business

  1. Edgenuity Software Renewal – $134,109
    • This includes site licenses for all middle schools, high schools, and transitional learning centers as well as the virtual program. These courses are taught by Edgenuity teachers instead of BCS teachers.
    • Superintendent recommended approval. This item was approved unanimously with no discussion.
  2. Student Code of Conduct Revisions
    1. Changes the definition of ‘expulsion’ to be any suspension that is ‘longer than the remainder of the rest of the semester’ instead of ‘longer than one semester.’
    2. Adds that regardless of whether a student is offered the opportunity to enroll at a Transition Learning Center, the expelled student is barred from participating in campus activities – on or off campus. (in two locations in the code of student conduct)
    3. Adds language about when student disciplinary hearings are required
    4. Revises the definition of discipline for first offenses in elementary
    5. Revises the consequences for Level 1 and Level 2 offenses in middle/high school
    6. Strikes the entire expulsion process as it was written in exchange for other injections and references as listed in items 1-5.
    7. Superintendent recommended approval. This item was approved unanimously with no discussion.

Read all of the changes (which appear in yellow) to the Student Code of Conduct Revisions

C. New Business for Approval

  1. Adoption of ESPLOST V Referendum Resolution, Notice of Election and other documents
    • The referendum will appear on the ballot for Bulloch County voters in November 2022.
    • This item was approved unanimously.

D. New Business to be Placed on the Table

  1. Policy IKBB – Divisive Content Complaint Resolution Process (Read the draft language)
  2. Policy IKBC – Material Harmful to Minors Complaint Resolution Process (Read the draft language)
  3. Policy JRB – Parents’ Bill of Rights (Read the draft language)

Superintendent recommended these policies be placed on the table as one line item through one vote. All were recommended by the Superintendent, however, each were a result of the legislative session and are now mandatory for school boards to adopt. They were approved unanimously.

E. Executive SessionThere was no need for executive session.

F. Return to Open Session
Personnel Recommendations
Superintendent recommended the following recommendations, which were approved unanimously.

G. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned after 11 1/2 minutes at 6:42 p.m.

View the agenda packet in its entirety here.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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