Mattie Lively Administrator Permitted to Retire Prior to Disciplinary Hearing

This is a press release from the Bulloch County School System.

A former Mattie Lively Elementary School administrator, who was scheduled for a fair dismissal hearing with the Bulloch County Board of Education on January 13, prompted by termination proceedings from the superintendent, has been approved for retirement by the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) prior to the hearing.  

Due to the fact that a TRS retiree cannot also be employed with a school system, the administrator’s employment status with the school system was severed upon the effective date of the TRS retirement, which rendered the fair dismissal procedure a moot point.  

This information is reflected in the personnel recommendations that are scheduled for a vote by the Board of Education during their scheduled regular session on January 12.

Bulloch County Superintendent of Schools Charles Wilson was notified by the former administrator over the holiday break that he had been approved for retirement by TRS effective January 1.

Superintendent Wilson was actively seeking termination and non-renewal of the administrator’s employment contract due to potentially inappropriate actions taken during an attempt to discipline a child. A fair dismissal hearing with the Board of Education had been offered to the administrator. It was originally scheduled for December 16 but due to the lack of availability of a hearing officer for that date, the hearing was rescheduled for Jan. 13.

TRS’s approval of the employee’s application for retirement prior to the fair dismissal hearing, effectively ends any potential further action by the Board of Education.  However, an arraignment in State Court on Jan. 18, is still pending as well as a review of the educator’s certification status by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC).

On Nov. 14, Bulloch County Schools’ district leadership was made aware of potentially inappropriate actions taken by an administrator at Mattie Lively Elementary School during an attempt to discipline a child. Based on firsthand witness statements and a review of available surveillance footage, the superintendent did seek termination and non-renewal of the administrator’s employment contract. The administrator was removed from the school.

The school district conducted an immediate and thorough investigation, reported the incident to all proper authorities, and complied with all protocols.The school district will continue to cooperate fully with local authorities and the GaPSC.

As previously reported:

Bulloch Schools Release Video of Admin “Throwing Student onto Bench” at Mattie Lively Elementary 1

TGV News has obtained a copy of the surveillance footage of the incident involving an administrator at Mattie Lively Elementary School and a 7-year-old student which resulted in an arrest of the administrator for Simple Battery. broke the story Tuesday that Patrick Morse Hill, 53, was arrested on Simple Battery charges on November 28.

Bulloch Schools Release Video of Admin “Throwing Student onto Bench” at Mattie Lively Elementary 2

TGV News has obtained a copy of the surveillance footage of the incident involving an administrator at Mattie Lively Elementary School and a 7-year-old student which resulted in an arrest of the administrator for Simple Battery. broke the story Tuesday that Patrick Morse Hill, 53, was arrested on Simple Battery charges on November 28.

Jessica Szilagyi

Jessica Szilagyi is Publisher of TGV News. She focuses primarily on state and local politics as well as issues in law enforcement and corrections. She has a background in Political Science with a focus in local government and has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia.

Jessica is a "Like It Or Not" contributor for Fox5 in Atlanta and co-creator of of the Peabody Award-nominated podcast 'Prison Town.'

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